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Media Master LLC was formed to provide the lodging industry with a true turn-key deployment specialist for Lodging Technology. Media Master business strategy is to build partnerships that go beyond the typical “customer” relationship so common in the industry.
Media Master has successfully completed installations of over 260,000 flat panels in all 50 states, two US territories and five countries. The managing partners, project managers and technicians average 15 years experience in the lodging industry and are the best in the field when it comes to working in tightly scheduled atmospheres in operating hotels. Our ability to field fifteen fully independent installation teams at any given time, as well as our diverse regionalization of crews result in rapid deployment capabilities and the ability to quickly reschedule projects based on fluid factors such as occupancy, local events, third-party issues, etc..
In order to be at the forefront of technology deployment, Media Master has implemented a support and project management staff second to none. We have an in-depth and thorough reporting system utilized by all installation teams, allowing for real-time updates at the property level at any time of the day. This, combined with our close relationship with our technology partners allows for rapid deployment and installations and the ability to quickly recognize and avoid possible problem areas before they happen. In addition, the knowledge that all team personnel have passed extensive provider-certifications, third-party background and drug screenings provides the peace of mind required when working with operating properties and their guests.
Media Master has been selected as the exclusive installation company for numerous brands, owner groups and management companies, including Host Hotels & Resorts, Marriott International, Pyramid Hotels, Pillar Hotels, Hersha Hospitality, and Marriott Vacation Worldwide, among others.